Glorias Navalas
Glorias Navales started as an acoustic trio with two guitars, a handmade bailes chino drum and a rabel fiddle. They rehearsed constantly in a basement in Santiago. After more than a year of rehearsing, creating and composing, a cassette came out on Traición 73 Records followed by the group’s first live shows. Shortly thereafter Graham Lambkin's KYE Records released their first LP, Cofradía Náutica, a collection of live and studio recordings. They have since performed in the UK and Europe several times, including at Counterflows and Cafe Oto, where their 2017 show made Clive Bell’s end-of-year list and was released on the Otoroku label. Their jam is somewhere between Chilean folk music (a la Violeta Parra) and ramshackle post-Velvets psychedelia.