Christian Müller
born in 1971 near Basel, Switzerland, is clarinettist and electronic-musician. He completed his classical studies at the Conservatory for Music & Theater. During the last twenty years Christian Müller worked mainly as improvising electronic-musician, electro-acoustic bass-clarinettist and composer with a conceptual approach. He realized numerous works with the duo Strøm (with Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics, since 2000) and also in national and international projects. As member of Strøm and as a solo musician he created several sound installations and audiovisual pieces and also worked in multimedia-based contexts with dancers and performers. Since 2010 he works with the writer Regina Dürig as Butterland, an interdisciplinary project that combines text and sound. Furthermore he works continously in various contexts and in various bands like DEER, IMO, Convulsif or Infest.

\ \ He collaborates and has collaborated in diverse constallations for concerts and multimedia-based works, a. o. with the musicians Martin Schütz, Hans Koch, Christian Kobi, Tomas Korber, Diatribes, Jonas Kocher, Bertrand Denzler, Jacques Demierre, Burkhard Beins, Clayton Thomas, Oren Ambarchi, Bertrand Gauguet, Michel Doneda, Flo Götte, Norbert Möslang, toktek, Simon Berz, Peter Conradin Zumthor, Lionel Friedli, Lê Ninh Quan, Mitsuaki Matsumoto, Urs Peter Schneider, Strotter Inst., dieb13, Susanna Gartmayer, Patricia Bosshard, Yan Jun, Cristián Alvear, Sergio Merce, Loenel Kaplan, Gabrieal Areal, Fernando Perales...\ \ Solo and as member of Strøm, DEER and Convulsif he toured through northern, central and eastern Europe, Russia, China, Chile and Argentina.\