Based in Dangolsheim since 2010, I design and manufacture in my workshop unusual instruments for people curious about new interfaces and sound experiences, whether in experimental or contemporary music, for theater, artistic installations, or pedagogy. My research focuses mainly on "acoustic" instruments, which inherit the ways of thinking and playing of electronic instruments born in the 20th century. I have thus developed several models of motorized hurdy-gurdies, as well as computer-controlled, spatialized and transportable organs. I also have a certain attraction to the playful character and collective play; certain projects such as Veines de Vent, l'Orgue Sourd, l'Organous, or le Télécatida testify to this.
I had the opportunity to work for Yann Gourdon, Super Parquet, Oiseau Tempete, Stephen O'Malley, Kali Malone, Golem Mécanique, Alexis Degrenier, Heiner Goebbels, Cie Bas les Pat'hibulaires, Tarek Atoui, Ensemble Batida, Ensemble HanatsuMiroir, Ensemble Recherche, Clément Vercelleto, Ernest Bergez, Julien Chamla, the CFMI of Sélestat and Lille, among others.